

wow.. Its been a while since I have updated this blog. Ill get better! I have so much more to show you in regards to Makenzies Event back in July. Ill get the rest of the pictures posted ASAP! I want to get everyone geared up and excited for our Leggings Project! Its growing faster than I can keep up with it. I have received HUNDREDS of leggings in the last month and more coming in by the week! Remember back when I said our new goal was 1000 leggings?! Well I think we are going to keep that goal but hope to actually collect 1500 pairs! I need your help! Tell your friends. Tell your family! Tell your neighbors! Lets get those leggings! Remember I will be donating them to Primary Children's Hospital in December. They will be wrapped pretty with a little story about Makenzie as well as a little story about all of you and how amazing you are to have donated so many leggings. They will be given to all the kids there. I hope to collect so many that they can give them to any child that has to stay there for months to come! Thank you for all the donations I have received so far. I havent been able to get an accurate count because over 500 pairs are being embroidered with MRW on them. We are waiting to get those back and we will then get a better count. SO... Lets go everyone! Get collecting! babylegs.com is still having that amazing deal!